British High Commission launches Pacific Islands Business Opportunities Report


The British High Commission in Port Moresby recently launched a report entitled ‘UK Business Opportunities in the Pacific Islands Region’ which aims to highlight investment opportunities in the region.

The British High Commissioner to PNG, Her Excellency Jackie Barson and CEO of the Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry, David Conn will take part in a two-week road show to the UK to promote the report.

The report includes an economic and investment environment outlook for the region and focuses on key investment areas in the three featured countries of the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Papua New Guinea.

The UK’s long history in the Pacific already has a visible footprint and business interests are increasing.

This was noted in the foreword of the report by the Permanent Under Secretary (PUS) of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Simon Fraser and Chief Executive of UK Trade and Investment, Nick Baird.

They also commented that there continues to be substantial opportunities for UK business in the region, most notably in the areas of service delivery and the development of natural resources.

Both sounded their assurance that the British Government’s network of High Commissions would be ready to lend political support to would-be investors in the region.

The report was launched by the British High Commissioner to PNG, Her Excellency Jackie Barson and witnessed by foreign dignitaries from the Fiji and Solomon Islands High Commission, members of the business community and representatives from various government agencies including the Investment Promotion Authority.

Image source: Voice of America blogs
