Tropical Cyclone Yasi May Affect Port Moresby

This just came in my inbox.

The largest and strongest cyclone to hit North Queensland will make
landfall in Australia on Wednesday night. It is that serious that all
islands off the Australian mainland have been evacuated today.

It is most likely to hit Cairns and its surrounds, being one hour by
plane south. We in Port Moresby will be affected by it also. It will
only take a small change (north) in its course to impact us severely.

It is suggested that you prepare for 3 days of severe tropical storms
and winds ranging up to 200 klms per hour. All vehicles to be filled
with fuel, you will need a supply of fresh water, and have all external
property to be lashed down.

It will be a major event and has the possibly of impacting PNG more than
Cyclone Guba 3 years ago. Should the event prevent you from attending
work on the days in question, please advise your manager of your absence
in the usual manner or else your will be docked.

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